20 Best Team Tips that Work
If you are a part of a team or you want to form a team. This article is just for you. In this article I will explain what are the quality and passion a team should carry. How the best team can be formed and how the team will achieve their goals. Here are 20 Best Team Tips that Work.
1. Leadership
Seek clarity about who is leading the team- sometimes informal leadership moves around the team. Leaders take responsibilities for what the team is trying to achieve.
2. Inspiration
If you want to inspire your team, first inspire yourself. When you successfully communicate your own passion for something you care about, it fires up other people too.
3. Task and Process
High performance teams focus intently on their task, yet also find time to keep reviewing their performance by examining the process they are using.
4. Listening
Encourage listening by asking anyone wanting to speak to:
- Sum up what the previous person just said
- Say how their comments link to the previous contribution
5. Deadlines
Push for clear deadlines which are rarely abandoned or changed.
6. Goals
Teams thrive on clear goals. Use SMART goals which are :
- Stretching
- Measurable
- Agreed
- Recorded
- Time Limited
7. Challenge
Peoples respond to challenges which stretch their abilities and tap into their natural creativity. Ensure that challenges for your team are demanding.
8. Feelings
Regularly (once in a week) start a meeting by inviting people to share how they are feeling, including anything which could stop them being effective in the meeting.
9. Relationship
Promote team relationship and the development of mutual trust by:
- encouraging frank, no-hold-barred discussions
- not avoiding conflict
- acknowledging strong feelings
working on tasks jointly
10. Meetings
Regularly bring whole team together. It cannot be a team if people are isolated and only make contact by phone, memo or quick chats in the corridor.
11. Agendas
Team meetings need proper agendas. Create ones which clearly state:
- Topic- the issue
- Initiator- person wanting it tabled
- Purpose- what it is broadly about
- Timescale- amount of time it will require
- Outcome- for decision, discussion or information
12. Chairing
Always have team meetings with a facilitator or chairperson, responsible for:
- encouraging both task an process
- seeking there is a proper agenda or logical flow
- allowing enough time for each issue
- ensuring everyone gains a hearing
- keeping the meeting to time
13. Tasks
Each team member needs to understand how they can contribute to success. Make tasks well defined, so people can play their full part.
14. Celebrate
Search for frequent opportunities to celebrate success in your team. Use the occasion to give everyone public recognition.
15. Chunk it
When the team faces a major task, break it into more manageable stages, each with its own start and finishing time.
16. Transition
Help the team understand what stage of development it has reached. Try asking members to share their view of what stage the team has reached.
17. Minutes
Good teams keep action minutes which show everyone:
- What was decided
- Who will do hat
- By when
18. Delegate
Make sure everyone in the team has a role which fully stretches them as a human being. Check with each person regularly whether they can take more responsibility and if so, give it to them.
19. Blockages
A team leader should regularly ask the team:
- What specifically can I do to make job easier, more enjoyable, more satisfying?
- What specifically can We do to help you be a more effective team leader, and do your job better?
20. Vision
Check that everyone in the team holds the same picture of what team success would look and feel like it was achieved.
This is the 20 Best Team Tips that Work to make a good, efficient and success team. I hope you all are enjoy the topic. If yes please comment me the idea helps you or not. waiting for your comments. Bye See You
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